Data Object: Countries

Get Country

{{ }}

Parameter Type Description
id required int Country Identifier

HHTP/1.1 200 OK
     id: 5,
     name: "Armenia",
     iso1: "am",
     iso2: "ARM",
     dialCode: "+374",
     languageId: 1,
     languagePrefix: "en"



Parameter Type Description
id int Country identifier
name string Country name
iso1 string ISO alpha-2 code of country
iso2 string ISO alpha-3 code of country
dialCode string Phone dial code of country
languageId int Request language identifier
languagePrefix string Request language prefix

Get Country List

{{{}) }}

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
          id: 5,
          name: "Armenia",
          iso1: "am",
          iso2: "ARM",
          dialCode: "+374",
          languageId: 1,
          languagePrefix: "en"



Parameter Type Description
id int Country identifier
name string Country name
iso1 string ISO alpha-2 code of country
iso2 string ISO alpha-3 code of country
dialCode string Phone dial code of country
languageId int Request language identifier
languagePrefix string Request language prefix